Application of Design Thinking Method in Educational Card Design "Sobat Saleh"

  • Novena Ulita Mercu Buana University Jakarta


: In developmental psychology theory, students are late adolescents who need to have problem-solving skills (Sahrah, 2019). Itis necessary to be trained in order to become a capable, creative and independent person in accordance with the goals of Indonesian national education. However, in the learning process in the studio class, the DKV study program which has the purpose of learning to hone students' thinking skills, often has difficulty solving a problem. A study that has been conducted previously  that it is known  that aspects of methods in solving problems are still confusing for students (Ulita &; Hananto, 2022). The research outlines that some students are still not fully aware of how to apply the method in designing. Therefore, this journal will describe the form of application of  design thinking methods in  a case study  of designing an educational card game "Sobat Saleh" that can help student design learning that  provides an overview of the process of solving problems into a design idea. Starting from data collection, analytical techniques and thinking processes as well as the form of application of  the design thinking design method. Thus, it can be observed more deeply the patterns carried out in efforts to apply  the design thinking method  so as to help students more easily have the ability to solve problems with the method.  The ability of critical thinking and creative things in solving problems can support the design logic that is needed by a designer when doing a design.


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